Thank you to the wise master krmit for advising us of this error, and may the court be merciful on our souls. NOTE: We originally claimed that one of the Game of Thrones mods was dormant, which was in fact completely incorrect. That definitely sounds like a good thing, after all. To anyone uninformed on the lore of Game of Thrones, it reads like Latin, but fans will likely be pleased to know that the Blackwater is now unified under the Bureaucratic Councilship of house Rosby. The latest update dropped less than a week ago, and the extensive list of fixes and alterations shows the attention to detail that is being shown by the team here. More streamlined than its predecessor, The Seven Kingdoms offers a multiplayer-friendly alternative that isn’t bogged down by complex scripts and whatnot. It’s a cruel world, and only the strongest and best Crusader Kings 2 mods will survive.

Wait a second, didn’t we already have a Game of Thrones entry? Indeed, a new contender has emerged, vying for dominance and no doubt leaving a trail of bodies in its wake.