As a command craft and warship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer has no equal in the Republic Navy. In the vicious battles of the Clone Wars, Jedi Generals such as the wise Plo Koon command their forces from the bridge of mighty Venator-class Star Destroyers, earning these vessels the moniker of “Jedi Cruisers.” Kuat Drive Yards designed the ship to be flexible capable of fighting toe-to-toe with other warships, launching wings of starfighters, and breaking blockade sieges with devastating bombardments. Venator- class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack Read on more information on what these expansions bring to your Republic fleets! These expansions bring two of the Republic’s most recognizable capital ships to your fleets along with a host of iconic characters, powerful new weapons, and other upgrades to customize your fleets to your exact specifications. Venator-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack.Now, two more iconic Clone Wars-era ships are on their way to reinforce the Republic: You’ve built your first fleets with the Galactic Republic Fleet Starter and Republic Fighter Squadrons Expansion Pack. Desperate to mount a defense and prevent more star systems from slipping into Separatist hands, the Republic deploys new ships to turn the tide. The first battles of the Clone Wars are rippling across the galaxy as mighty warships from the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance meet in epic battles that will shape the conflict to come. After defeating a Junkyard Titan, Starkiller uses his force abilities to create a bridge out of one such ship, lodged in the piles of scrap that cover the planet.Announcing Two New Galactic Republic Expansions for Star Wars™: Armada It is also briefly seen in, appearing in the Raxus Prime level. Ships of this class were present at the battles of Geonosis and Kashyyyk. Nothing is known about the ship itself, except that it was capable of operating inside an atmosphere. ^It had a design and color scheme similar to Geonosian vehicles, so it is assumed that the Geonosians made this craft for the navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems like the Nantex-class starfighters, and it bore a slight resemblance to an elongated Venator-class Star Destroyer. ^The Pinnace corvette is lightly armed and armored, meant for scouting and escort duties in far-flung outer sectors. ^The was a sleek cruiser used by the Separatists during the Clone Wars. ini file, civilopedia icons, units32 pic, and a civilopedia entry (below)

Includes: attack.flc, default.flc, death.flc, attack.wav, death.wav. A Separatist cruiser, or corvette, or Geonosian dreadnaught the SW universe is a little vague