SimpleSeasons changes all that by turning the apocalyptic world into a feast for the eyes but not the senses, which anyone with hayfever will be happy to hear. Have fun out there, wastelander! Despite the bursts of colour occasionally seen in Fallout 4, you can't deny that eventually you'll get fed up with the dreary yellows and browns of the wasteland. Fallout 4 is already one of the best RPG games out there, but with a couple of mods, you can make it even better. From increasing the amount of companions you can have to changing the grim visuals of the decaying world, Fallout 4 mods let you change the game in some essential ways.Īlmost all of the Fallout 4 mods listed below can also be tacked on to the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game thanks to some engineering wizardry.

So if you're looking to alter the way your post-apocalyptic experience feels in Fallout 4, you can do worse than perusing some of the best mods available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

The best Fallout 4 mods, whether they changes the way things play, or tweak the experience, can give you a whole new game.